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Why Live on Campus?

Approximately 85% of U.S. college students opt to stay on campus during college. Many students are happier being closer to everything, and research shows that students who live on campus do better academically and have a greater chance of graduating.

Even as a junior or senior, the benefits of living on campus are many. Need more reasons? Check out these top 8 reasons to live on campus.

Upcoming Events

Important Dates for the Fall Semester


  • Residence Halls close at 12:00pm on Wednesday November 27th for the November Break
  • Residence Halls re-open at 12:00pm on Sunday December 1st (Owl card access will automatically activate at 12:00pm)
  • All students are required to depart campus.


  • Students are expected to depart campus 24 hours after their last final or by 6:00pm Friday December 13th.
  • Students may leave belongings in their room but need to take any items that they will need over the winter break as they will not have access to the residence halls.
  • Winter Sport Athletes - coaches will communicate with our office if you are required to be back on campus during the winter break and we will then communicate with you.

Living on Campus

In order to ease your transition to college - and increase your chances for success - Keene State College requires all students with 59 credits or less to live on campus. This approach supports significant research indicating that students who live on campus are more likely to be successful academically, socially and developmentally. If you are a student that does not meet this requirement but feels there are extenuating circumstances that would prevent you from living on campus, please click on the forms link to the right and complete the corresponding form.


Communities help create a more seamless transition to college life by providing an environment where students with similar interests or academic pursuits can live together.
